Academics. Research. Service. Honors Program

Male student writing on a pad under the water

Welcome to Honors

The mission of the Jacksonville University Honors Program is to provide an academic challenge for advanced students by encouraging intellectual curiosity, building character, and guiding students toward their academic and career goals. Through rigorous coursework, research, and enrichment activities, Honors faculty and students create a close community that supports outstanding scholarship, personal growth, and service.

The program offers scholarships, mentorship and advising, interdisciplinary seminars, priority class registration, and cross-cultural experiences.

Apply to the program.


Task Deadline or date
Honors Orientation  September 9-10, 2023


Student working with a laser

AcademicsLearning Excellence

Honors students are built differently. Intellectual curiosity is what fuels us. How do we best address climate change? Are green electronics the way of the future? Does the use of AI in healthcare reduce medical errors?

Being an Honors student is yes, about having the grades, but you might agree that there's a bit more to it. We believe that your motivation is what sets you apart. You love a challenge, and we want to take that on.

The Honors Program is committed to providing you with the best education, the best courses, and the best professors. You even have the opportunity to make any of your courses an honors course, meaning that you get a deeper dive. Maybe that's in writing and research, or an additional art project. You can also add a major or minor to your degree to diversify your academic profile through the JU PODs advising tool. Our interdisciplinary seminars, individualized research support, advising, and mentorship will prepare you as excellent scholars and leaders. 

PODs Advising Tool

ResearchDiving Deep

Jacksonville University's Honors program is all about research.

We participate in annual University events such as the Spring Student Research Symposium, the Science and Engineering Lecture Series, philosophy slams, and more! We also travel to numerous local, state, and national academic conferences that allow our students to showcase their research projects and develop written and oral communication skills. Browse our students' accomplishments in research and begin to see what's possible when you attend Jacksonville University!

Close the transcript.

Undergraduate Research

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ServiceGiving Back

The Honors program at Jacksonville University believes in rolling up your sleeves and doing the hard work. For us, this means applying what we learn in the classroom to community problems. Whether we're cleaning up the St. Johns River, volunteering at schools, or hosting food drives, we believe in integrating service learning across all academic disciplines. Our Honors students are leaders, and we encourage our leaders to be responsible and active citizens by actively engaging them with the society in which they live.

Learn about service-learning

Four male honor volunteers cleaning up the marshes.

Honors Program

For information about the Jacksonville University honors program, email or contact:


Lisa A. Sutherland, Ph.D.
Executive Director of the Honors and Scholars Programs


Dr. Sarah Murphy
Director of the Honors Programs; Associate Professor of English

Prof. Erik DeCicco
Associate Director of the Honors Programs; Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts

Dr. Melinda Simmons

Assistant Director of the Honors Programs; Associate Professor of Marine Science

Contact Information

Gooding Building
Jacksonville University
2800 University Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Phone: (904) 256-8000

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