

The 杰克逊维尔大学 健康的校园 Program is designed to promote health and 学生、教职员工和校友的健康. 通过集体行动和投入 from the JU community, we identify health priorities and advocate for policies, services, and environments that systemically support health and wellness. 通过强调文化 of wellness, we support individuals and our community in adopting and maintaining 改善生活质量的健康行为. 健康的校园提供了附加价值, 超出了个人自给自足的范围. 杰克逊维尔大学校园 will be known for cultivating an environment of wellness where positive health choices 是日常生活的一部分吗. 全球网络赌博平台的计划支持一个校园环境,培养 health and well-being for all community members to learn, grow, and achieve.



学者 阿德莱德大学


社会责任 分别地


环境 Env

奖 & 识别 

 杰克逊维尔大学 seeks the highest standards in the 健康的校园 Program initiative and our excellence has been recognized by multiple organizations at local, 区域和国家层面. 这些奖项反映了杰克逊维尔的承诺 University to serve students, faculty, staff, alumni and our surrounding community.

JU Earns Silver Status "Exercise is Medicine" 识别

  2018年eimocawardJU became one of twenty-four institutions of higher   learning to earn Silver Status 识别 by the   American College of Sports Medicine, the largest sports   medicine 世界上的组织. 全球共有88所大学上榜 铜、银或金的身份.   它的健康校园和运动就是医学 on  Campus initiatives, JU is positioning itself for 黄金 in 2019.

 照片从左至右,Dr. 罗伯特·萨利斯,EIM国家中心 主任,博士. Chris Robertson, Associate Professor   at JU, KIN department, Dr. 巴菲 JU KIN助理教授. 即将离任主席卡瑞娜·温特斯: 香港工商管理学院院长,香港大学副教授.



在博士的学生合作项目. Brian Lane的工程项目是技术类的 Communication class has resulted in a partnership with Elkay, the manufacturer of JU’s water-bottle filling stations, to fund $2,500 toward signage to increase student 使用供水站.  这些水站是由Dr. Carrie-Lynn 作为JU健康校园倡议的一部分.




First Coast Worksite 健康 Council and Mayor’s Council for 健身 & 幸福 授予 健康校园金奖杰克逊维尔 University a GOLD Level Award, the highest recognition to date for JU.   黄金 award winners promote a healthy lifestyle through communications and on-site activities, they have established wellness champions and allocated funds toward the implementation 他们的程序. They offer programs that address other dimensions of wellness, not 只是身体健康.  他们也有专门的额外资源来确保 that their programs are being properly measured each year. 他们每年举办一次 employee needs and interest survey, have a wellness operating plan and strategically select programs that will address their most prevalent health risks and conditions. 


杰克逊维尔大学 became the first private institution in the state of Florida 履行“健康校园2020承诺”.  JU这样做表明了他们的承诺 to improving the health and wellness of the campus community. 





校园标志“运动是医学”运动是校园的良药 is a program specific to colleges and universities, challenging higher education to engage in the promotion of physical activity as a vital sign of health. 杰克逊维尔 University has been awarded Bronze Level in recognition of the University’s promotion of awareness of the many health benefits physical activity can bring. 这个程序 encourages faculty, staff, and students to collaborate on improving the health and 从四个方面促进校园社区的福祉:

  • 使运动成为日常校园文化的一部分
  • Assessing physical activity at every student health visit
  • Providing students necessary tools for strengthening healthy physical activity and 养成终身受益的习惯
  • Connecting University healthcare providers with health fitness specialists to provide 运动处方转诊系统


The 美国树校园 program helps colleges and universities across the country to 建立和维持健康的社区森林. 杰克逊维尔大学 received this designation by meeting the following five standards:

  • 成立校园树木谘询委员会
  • 创建校园树木养护计划
  • 每年用于校园树木的开支
  • 植树节庆祝活动
  • 服务学习项目


This award honors those organizations making a tangible impact on northeast Florida 通过社区服务. 杰克逊维尔大学 was selected as an awardee in January 2016.

HandsOn 杰克逊维尔 2016 Tillie K. 福勒服务精神奖

The HandsOn 杰克逊维尔 Spirit of Service Award is given to those individuals, groups or organizations that demonstrate enduring and outstanding leadership in volunteerism. 杰克逊维尔大学 was recognized for contributing more than 30,000 combined community service hours during the 2015/2016 academic year.

杰克逊维尔 Business Journal Partners in Philanthropy Award

The Partners in Philanthropy Award is given to local businesses and organizations with outstanding contributions toward philanthropic efforts in the greater jacksonville area. 杰克逊维尔大学 was recognized as a 2016 recipient in the “Large Company” 类别.

First Coast Worksite 健康 Council, Silver award for 健康iest CompaniesFirst Coast Worksite 健康 Council 2016 健康iest Companies Silver Award

第一海岸工作场所健康委员会. 是“健康? 2020年杰克逊维尔. The mission of FCWWC is to improve the health of our First Coast community by sharing resources and guidance through member businesses. 杰克逊维尔 University was recognized among “健康iest Companies” not only by FCWWC, but also 与市长健身委员会合作 & 幸福.