Meet Our President

President 蒂姆成本, Portrait


12th president of Jacksonville 大学

  • Assumed office: February 1, 2013

成为他的本科母校杰克逊维尔大学的第12任校长, 对科斯特总统来说,这仍然是一项不可思议的荣誉,也是他个人价值观的实现 and professional goal in a remarkable legacy of leadership.


"In my heart, I never left JU. I've invested more time and energy here than anywhere. It's a special place."

1981年以优异成绩毕业于杰克逊维尔大学(Jacksonville 大学) his MBA in Finance and Economics from the William E. Simon School of Business at the 他毕业于哈佛大学总统研修班. 作为一名大学运动员和四年大学棒球队的优秀队员,他就是其中之一 在JU棒球队中排名前十的投手之一,也是他第一次参加NCAA的大一新生 appearance, pitched the only 9-inning no-hitter in JU history.

President Cost speaking with 学生.

自从棒球和商业学位时代以来,科斯特校长投入了更多 在世界上最大和最知名的几家公司的高级管理团队工作了30多年 包括百时美施贵宝、柯达、爱玛客、法玛西亚、惠氏/辉瑞等机构, and Centocor/Johnson & Johnson,as well as his past service as Chairman of Global 健康 Care for Washington-based consulting firm, APCO Worldwide . Each role helped refine 他的领导方式,最大限度地利用不同团队的优势 talent, trust, connections, and performance. President Cost is committed to helping 他喜欢把这个过程解释为“激励优秀的人成为优秀的人” 伟大的."

以他在JU接受的教育为基础,Cost校长制作了一份令人印象深刻的 作为一名经验丰富的商业领袖,加上他获得的学术证书 具备市场营销、战略、公共政策、资本市场、危机和问题管理方面的技能; 投资者关系、政府事务、商业发展、慈善事业、品牌 企业沟通,客户拓展和保留,合并和收购, 法规事务、企业社会责任、声誉管理和联盟 development--all within the realm of FORTUNE 500 company experiences.

在他的职业生涯中,他是成功的高级管理团队的一员 以创新(《全球网络赌博平台》“最具创新力公司”)、最佳工作场所而闻名 环境(“最佳工作场所”),包容性(“最佳女性工作场所”,“最佳工作场所”) for Hispanics" and others) and progressive management ("Most Improved U.S. 投资者 Relations Program"), among others.

处理与媒体、投资者、捐赠者的高调、公开、公开的互动, 政府官员、合作伙伴和利益相关方,他一直被誉为最杰出的人物之一 top business communicators in U.S. corporations (The Holmes Report, 2011).

科斯特总统和他结婚39年的妻子,斯蒂芬妮·科斯特,是孩子的父母 two children, Melanie and Drew.


“We believe in innovation that leads to growth, not status quo. Students get the individualized attention 在面临挑战的同时,他们需要拓展自己,追求卓越.”

和蔼可亲,自信,不会拿自己开玩笑,这是他最关心的 学生. President Cost can often be seen around JU’s beautiful campus bantering 给校友、受托人或社区成员发短信,或者把教员叫到一边 and staff for a quick piece of advice or word of encouragement. He’s well-known for 向所有学生提供他的个人手机号码,挑战他们 keep him in the loop about student priorities.

通晓平衡最佳利益和竞争性激励的Cost总裁 与许多利益相关者互动:教师,员工,社区,投资者,分析师, 董事会、捐赠者、合作伙伴、高管同事、监管机构、政策制定者、民选官员、 government organizations, media, and advocates.

But his priority, every minute of the day, is always the student. 这一承诺 was born from his own experience as a JU Dolphin. President Cost’ firsthand knowledge 学生们需要什么,渴望什么,正是促使他提出他最喜欢的问题的原因. 在任何一次大学领导会议上,他都喜欢说:“如果我是学生,为什么要这样做? I care about that? Why is that good for me?”

President Cost presides over the spring 2017 commencement ceremony.

2017届的毕业典礼标志着第一批新生的到来 at JU at the beginning of President Cost’ presidency. He often remarks that it was a powerful moment for him personally. A past recipient of the Jacksonville 大学 杰出校友奖(2006),校长成本也加入了JU 2009年担任董事会主席,同时担任招生和留校委员会主席 the Development Committee.

然而,这些荣誉对他的激励都不如来自《全球网络赌博平台》的直接反馈 学生. His open-door policy demonstrates his firm belief in the culture of the 大学.  “We are creating true learners—in lifelong pursuit of learning—who will become tomorrow’s global citizens. And we are not a place where a student simply goes to check off a box on a to-do list and get a job, any job. Our 学生 are inspired to push themselves, build careers and spark lasting passions.”

Community Involvement

"I believe deeply in culture. More precisely, in JU’s culture. A culture of excellence, collaboration, integrity, respect, and community involvement.”

多年来,科斯特总统参与了许多活动来支持 并改善JU,包括他领导的投资超过5000万美元 across campus and the ambitious $120 million ASPIRE development campaign. 他的领导 也是在JU启动佛罗里达EPIC项目以支持STEM教育的关键, regional economic investment, and job creation. But his vision is much broader than simply what’s happening on campus.

Tim and Stephanie Cost他的职业道德和对回馈社会的不懈承诺超越了校园的改善. 总统花费了大量的时间为公民和社区志愿服务和影响 像富兰克林党团会议、自由企业学生、杰克逊维尔等组织 Sheriff’s Strategic Initiative on Community Outreach, 社区医学志愿者,在那里他因慈善事业获得了支柱奖 和领导服务,为有需要的工人提供医疗保健,以及佛罗里达州议会 on Economic Education, where he was inducted into the Business Hall of Fame. 

他曾担任杰克逊维尔公民委员会主席,JAXUSA合作伙伴关系 东北佛罗里达STEM中心倡议的教育顾问委员会,杰克逊维尔 治安官的社区拓展战略倡议和前全国大学生体育协会成员 Division 1 Board of Directors, the NCAA Presidential Forum, Board of Directors, 杰克逊维尔交响乐团董事会,WJCT公共广播公司,斯坦 Mart and JaxSports.

科斯特总统是许多公民、文化和商业委员会的成员:联邦 Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Florida Council of 100, Guidewell Mutual Holding Corp.,布鲁克斯 康复协会,杰克逊维尔商会,大西洋太阳会长理事会, and THE PLAYERS Council.

他和妻子斯蒂芬妮密切关注着阿灵顿社区的动向, but also of the city and state as a whole.

“最终,对我来说,这对同事、社区、学生来说都很重要, staff and faculty – leadership is all about service. You need to meet people where they are and have an impact, every day.”